Friday, February 24, 2012

Talented Choir Students Perform for Waco Campus

The University of Texas Charter School on the Waco campus presented a choir performance in the Harrell Memorial Chapel on Thursday, February 23. The Middle School Chimers and the High School Choir both performed.

There were 20 youth involved under the leadership of Lorye Carter-Reed, choir teacher. Check out the photos below of the performance.

Friday, February 17, 2012

MCH Youth Participate in the McLennan County Livestock Show

The McLennan County Junior Livestock Show was February 7 through February 10, 2012. Many MCH youth are involved in the agriculture science program through the Boys Ranch and have the opportunity to present animals at local livestock shows.

Steve Kruse, ag science teacher for the on-campus charter school, was proud of his students.

"In my eyes, all the students won this year because they all worked hard to keep up their grades and they made it to the final show," Kruse said.

Take a look at some photos from last week's event.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Employee Service Award Presentation

Last month, Methodist Children’s Home hosted its annual Employee Service Awards Presentation to honor staff. Awards are given to employees who have served the ministry for three years and in increments of five years thereafter.

Below are photos of the honorees from 2012. Congratulations!

Joe Heupel, 30 years of service

Dr. Elise Pinney, 25 years of service 

Kenneth Alexander, 25 years of service 

Barbara Kostecka, 20 years of service 

15 years of service 

10 years of service 

5 years of service

3 years of service