L to R: Cedric, Dakota and Maleak stand with their grill. |
Three Methodist Children’s Home students and one proud MCH Agriculture Mechanics teacher entered two projects in the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo for the first time in MCH Charter School history.
Both projects, a grill and a deer stand, were created by the hands of Cedric, Dakota and Maleak who accompanied Steve Kruse, MCH Ag teacher, to the show. The three boys shared the work, but were separated by different class times.
“Mr. Kruse keeps us on the same page,” Dakota said, “so it wasn’t difficult to pick up where the others left off on the projects.”
According to the students, the deer stand was completed in two months and the grill was completed
Dakota in front of the deer stand. |
in three months. Kruse works hard to teach the students that projects such as the grill can be created out of materials some might think are no longer usable. Many of the materials used for Ag projects are found around the Boys Ranch and salvaged.
“We used a 20-inch steel pipe and flat iron for the grill,” Dakota said, “and the wheels were salvaged from a scrapyard. A lot of little things went in to make something big.”
The hours of work the boys put into the projects paid off. Out of 88 schools and 500 projects entered in the show, the MCH FFA deer stand placed third overall in the Wildlife category in the competition! The grill received a white ribbon.
“Each project was awarded either a blue, red, white or honorable mention for quality with points added or deducted for plans, pictures and student presentation,” Kruse said. “We received several small prizes and most of all, one proud Ag teacher. I now know what to work on for next year. I think this was a good showing for the first time to enter in Fort Worth.”