Thursday, October 21, 2010

MCH Youth Proudly Participated in the H.O.T. Fair and Rodeo Livestock Show

The Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo Livestock Show took place October 9-15 in Waco. Several MCH youth participated in the show, as they entered heifers, steers, goats, swine and lambs in the competition. Our students had fun and many experienced showing an animal for the first time!

Steve Kruse, an Ag teacher at the MCH charter school, said he is very proud of the students’ accomplishments. According to Kruse, the show was a success because MCH youth learned so much in the process of getting the animals and shop projects ready for the event and they represented MCH well throughout the week.

MCH students also designed and built equipment for the Farm Mechanics competition. Several of the Home’s projects won blue awards, which recognize the highest level of quality. Blue award winners included: an Ag machinery hay spear, a log splitter, a blue window box, a garage light, and a fire ring.

Congratulations to all who participated and helped prepare for the show! Below are a few photos of our youth during the show.

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