Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fashion Disaster Dance at the Boys Ranch

The MCH Boys Ranch hosted a dance last week for students from the Ranch and their dates from the Waco campus. The theme of the dance was Fashion Disasters with a prize going to the student with the most creative and outlandish costume. Additional contests were held for the best dance moves later in the evening.

Religious Education music director, Colin Campbell, was the DJ for the event, playing music videos for the crowd. The event was small, but all residents had a great time and got some good exercise on the dance floor.

Thanks to Nicole Ehler, director of program services at the Boys Ranch and Kristen Rall, recreation coordinator at the Boys Ranch, for organizing this event and providing the 4-1-1 on the fun that was had at the dance.

Here are a few photos of our youth and their costume creations.

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