Friday, October 14, 2011

An Everyday Miracle

Methodist Children’s Home is dedicated to the families and individuals who open their homes and hearts to fostering the children who come into our care.

Traci Wagner, director of the Tyler outreach office, shared the following testimony about a success story from one of their foster families.

When children leave foster care, we hope they were able to see Jesus in us. We hope that God will use something from our brief time together to bless the child on their way towards the future God has for them. Recently, we were blessed to see one of those everyday miracles where God takes something that has been so difficult and turns it into something unbelievably beautiful.

Sumer entered MCH foster care in July 2010. She was removed from her home along with her two half-siblings. CPS placed all of the siblings in different foster homes with different agencies. In February 2011, we received notification that Sumer would be reunified with her siblings. Fortunately, for this little one, she moved from her only foster home to her forever home. God’s plan to reunite her and her siblings was through adoption. Our MCH foster family was invited to the adoption hearing by the adoptive family to participate in the celebration. The East foster family is in the photo below. It was an encouragement to be reminded that God has a plan for them after they leave our care. In essence, I suppose they aren’t ever really “released from care.”

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