Commissioners for MCH have been faithful supporters of our mission for 70 years. Each year, the Commissioners are welcomed back for a two-day event hosted by the Home that is meant to encourage, empower and inspire them to continue their journey raising awareness and support for MCH and its residents.
This year, the Commissioners Meeting took place Tuesday and Wednesday, October 12-13. Highlights of the event included youth sharing their testimonies; a message from Tim Brown, MCH President; and tours of both the Waco campus and the Boys Ranch.
Commissioners were treated to a chuck wagon meal of barbeque brisket, chicken and all the fixin’s Tuesday night while being entertained by the musically-talented MCH student praise band. They enjoyed an evening of hearing testimonies from Boys Ranch youth and a message from Mr. Brown.
The next morning, the wafting smell of fresh, homemade cinnamon rolls welcomed Commissioners. They were asked to participate in morning focus groups to share their suggestions with the Home. A short service at the Chapel with a message from Chaplain Steve Heyduck followed the focus group sessions.
The two-day event ended with a luncheon at the Johnson Student Center where more youth had the opportunity to share their testimonies. The crowd was quiet and attentive, captivated by stories of teens who chose to change their lives regardless of their previous circumstances. These youth told their stories to convey the message of how important the Home has been to their lives. Commissioners left this year’s event with uplifted spirits and the charge to continue seeking support for the Home.
The Commissioners event was successful again this year. The Home appreciates its cook staff who provided a fabulous spread for breakfast and lunch. Thank you to all those who helped make the event happen this year and to all who participated. We had a great meeting and look forward to next year!
Here are some fun pictures from Commissioners Meeting 2010.