The four-hour seminar was both informative and interactive,
according to Codi Stafford, MCH recreation coordinator.
Youth listened to Old Navy employees share about their line
of work in retail. Further, the employees walked students step-by-step through
how to get a job. Then, students were able to be hands-on in the seminar by
participating in mock job interviews, training on registers and inventory, and how
to speak professionally with customers.
Kimberly Bobbitt, recreation director at MCH, said the event
was a great opportunity for MCH youth to “gain some hands-on job training
experience and [gain] clearer understanding of what it looks like to get and
retain employment at a basic job level.”
According to Old Navy’s website, Old Navy employees believe
that “business communities need to work together to thrive.” In turn, as an
organization, they focus their community programs on areas that line up with
their business expertise. “We think we can make the biggest difference by
advancing women, teens, and young adults and supporting volunteers,” the
company states.
It is Bobbitt’s hope that through this experience “students
gained wider understanding of insight into what the process of getting a job
looks like, as well as what a ‘day on the job’ might look like.”
“Often our students are told what it takes to get a job and
what behavior is needed to keep one,” Bobbitt said. “But it is not often that
they get to experience a day on the job and get the hands-on experience to back
up these words.”