“ReCreation weekend always seems to have a different purpose
each year we hold it,” said Kim Clark, Director of Spiritual Development. “This
year, I was excited for our students to witness and understand that following
Jesus doesn’t have to look one particular way or sound one particular way. God
has created each of us with a particular set of gifts and personality. We can
and should use those to glorify God. Our faith can be genuine and look very
different from our neighbor who also has a genuine faith.”
The guest preacher on Sunday night was Marselo Lozano.
Students also heard music from Bus Seven, Femi and AHMADD as well as from
former student Calvin Richardson and guest speaker Mike Frazier.
Frazier is an author and musician from Surviving the Storm
Ministries. He has toured with R. Kelly and Stevie Wonder and is currently the
musical director for Tyler Perry’s “Meet the Browns.” He is a survivor of a
flood that killed his entire family and has struggled with depression and
suicide attempts.
“He is a great example of how God can work in and through
situations in our lives to bring us closer to him,” Clark said.
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