Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Core Value Award for Service - Mary Rollins

Mary Rollins, human resources compliance manager, received the Core Award for Service. Mary has a genuine desire to be of service to others in a professional, honest and healthy manner. Mary always has a smile on her face and practices the “open door policy” to the fullest. Mary is most often the person our employees go to for assistance due to her warm greetings and her willingness to help them above and beyond what is deemed necessary.

Judy Broadway, vice president of human resources had this to say about Mary, “She is an extremely dependable employee whose job performance is unquestionably superior. Mary’s greatest asset is her ‘service heart.’ She will stop what she is doing to help an employee, guest or applicant until all facts are understood and the person is comfortable. I have been told that when you leave Mary’s office you feel good and valued.”


James Garrett said...

This is SooOOOOooo true! Mary can have 50 other things going on and when you walk into her office she act's as if she has nothing to do but take care of YOU.
Her smile is like a tatoo...it never goes away! And when you leave...you have this WOW feeling and feel like your a special person because of the level of service you have just received.
Congraulations Mary and thanks for ALL you do!!

Dorothy Phillips said...

I agree that Mary has always been exceptionally pleasant and professional any time I have needed her assistance. She has helped me on numerous occassions. I always enjoy going by her office and peeping my head in to say hello, because she always responds with such a pleasant smile.